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Gladiolas Discussions

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Green Glads, I find they are the nicest colour to have in glads, why is it so difficult to get them?
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By: Sunshine - Member Since: 2011-01-26
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Translation: EN FR ES DE
I agree with Sunshine, Green Glads rock......

Please plant more as soon as possible....
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By: colin - Member Since: 2011-01-04
Translation: EN FR ES DE
there is a company in california named Glad-A-Way that can provide green glads if you place your order a week ahead of time.
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By: christoperav - Member Since: 2011-03-24
Translation: EN FR ES DE
Any suggestions on how to get glads to open up more after they are received?
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By: MEWSDESIGNS - Member Since: 2011-09-21
Translation: EN FR ES DE

If you need your glads to open faster place them in very hot water with preservative. A preservative that has lots of sugar like a rose pro. Place them in a warm environment and you can also place a garbage bag over them so the warmth of the hot water creates a greenhouse in the garbage bag. You can also cut a slit on the outside calxyes of the bloom, you have to be very careful not to cut the bloom but this will help as well. Good Luck!!!

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By: Sunshine - Member Since: 2011-01-26
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