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Asters Discussions

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Why is it so difficult to transport Asters. It seems to be the typical problem from several farms where the foliage arrives rotten or starting to turn black. It's most commen where the foliage is the problem not the blooms so why can't the farm defoliate. What florist really wants the foliage on a aster anyways, they need to be removed before you design with them don't they?
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By: Sunshine - Member Since: 2011-01-26
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Translation: EN FR ES DE
As I understand it, the foliage will quickly degrade if there is any excess moisture in the box. This can happen at the farm by packing damp product or, much more often, by a lack of temperature control in shipping. Any heating of the box, even temperatures as low as 50F causes condensation in the bunches.
Defoliating the asters takes a long time (read costs) and reduces the aesthetic value.
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By: north of 45 - Member Since: 2011-01-04
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