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Erica Sessiflora

(0.0 out of 0 votes)
added by Sierra



Edit Variety Information

Variety Information

Color : Green
General Comments: - Interesting lime green erica available from Australia/New Zealand.
- Tubular bloom structure.
- Availability:
Mid May to early July.

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • The family of Erica or Heather can be divided in to tubular (French heather) or softer Bell shaped types.
  • Most commercial heather varieties are produced in California (August to April) and Australia/New Zealand (April to October)

Grading Information

  • Heathers are available in lengths ranging from 30 to 90 cm depending on the varieties.
  • Most florist quality heathers average a minimum of 40 cm.
  • Heathers from Australia and New Zealand are usually 10 stem, 300 gr minimum.
  • Heathers from California are field graded and range from 450 to 650 gr depending on the variety.

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Heathers must be cool and dry for shipping , excessive heat or humidity in transit will cause browning of blooms.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.