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Hypericum Excellent Flair


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Variety Information

Color : Red
Bloom Size: Medium
Lengths available: 50/60/70/80
Vase Life: Average
Availability: Year Round
Scented: No
General Comments: - Excellent flair is the most commonly grown variety.
- Reddish bronze berry
- Berry size: Large

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Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • Commonly known as "St Johns Wort" this plant is widely used as a herbal remedy for depression and is commonly availble in most health stores.
  • Traditionally available in mostly red / burgandy tones, hybridization has recently (2010) given us an array of great new colors including cream, peach, pink, orange,yellow, green and white.
  • Intensity of colors and shades of each variety will vary slightly depending on season and weather conditions.
  • Hypericum berries come in many shapes, sizes and structures. Some varieties are loosely grouped with large round berries while others can be tightly clustered with tons of medium sized oval shaped berries. 
  • Look for bunches with clean, firm and shiny berries. Any sign of shriveled berries probably means they’re just not that fresh .
  • Great Hypericum should have clean, dark green foliage and good strong stems. While this outdoor grown crop will never have perfect foliage, avoid bunches with overly marked or yellowing leaves. 
  • A great box of assorted Hypericum should have at least 4 or 5 distinct colours including red, pink and green. Ask for assorted boxes aren’t just 5 different shades of brown and burgundy.
  • Care and Handling
  • Good Hypericum can easily last 10 to 14 days when properly handled
  • Re-hydrate Hypericum bunches upon arrival before using or arranging.
  • Cut at least 2 .5 cm off each stem, immediately dip in a hydration solution and then place in warm water with the proper dose of flower food.
  • Hydrate bunches with the protective sleeve on for at least 2 hours outside of the cooler before putting them back in the fridge.
  • Hypericum drinks like crazy, probably more than any other flower we know! Check water levels daily and refill buckets or vases when needed.
  • The woody stems of Hypericum tend to rapidly cloud the water in buckets or vases, even with a floral preservative solution. Re-cut the stems and change water every 2 days.

Grading Information

  • The number  of berries per stem and size varies both by the grade and the variety.
  • Minimum number of berries per stem is usually  7 to 10 depending on the length and variety. Some varieties may have up to 15 or 20 berries per stem.
  • Most varieties are produced as single stems but some varieties are also available as Spray Hypericums. This means one main stem with at least 4 other long lateral stems. This also means really showy stems and a lot more berries per stem, sometimes as many as 30 or 40!
  • Bunched by 10 stems and sold by centimeter stem length.

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Should be shipped with fruits with no flowers.
  • Foliage should be dark green with no marking and berries should show rich colour.
  • Marked foliage or shrivelled berries are usually the reason for quality credits from clients on this product.
  • Popular Hypericum series of varieties include Romance, Magical, Flair, Classical and Coco
  • Breeders :  Kolster B.V. (Magical Series of Hypericum)
  • Florius Flowers is the exclusive grower of the Hypericum Coco Series.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.