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Gypsophila Vivo

(0.0 out of 0 votes)
added by Louise


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Variety Information

Color : White
Scented: No

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • Gypsophila is a member of the Caryophyllaceae family. Close cut- flower relatives include Dianthus (carnations, spray carnations, sweet Williams) and Saponaria (soapwort).
  • The introduction of Millionstar has revolutionized the gypsophilia market . It's higher price largely reflects the cost of royalties which growers must pay to the Israeli breeder.
  •  Other improved varieties such as "New Love" are just starting to be introduced in the marketplace.
  • Mirabella is another new perfecta type variety.

Grading Information

  • Million Stars
  • - Premium Grade 7 TO 9 stems- 280 grams - 70 cm minimum
  • - Extra Grade 10 stems - 280 grams - 70 cm minimum.
  • - Select Grade 15 stems - 280 grams - 65 cm minimum
  • - Bouquet Grade 20 stems - 280 grams - 55 cm minimum
  • Mirabella
  • - Premium Grade 7 to 9 stems - 320 grams - 75 cm minimum
  • - Extra Grade 10 stems - 320grams - 70 cm minimum.
  • - Select Grade 15 stems - 320grams - 65 cm minimum
  • - Bouquet Grade 20 stems - 320 grams - 55 cm minimum
  • New Love
  • - Premium Grade 5 to 9 stems - 280 grams - 70 cm minimum.
  • - Extra Grade 10 stems - 280 grams - 65 cm minimum.
  • - Select Grade 15 stems - 280 grams - 60 cm minimum
  • - Bouquet Grade 18 to 20 stems - 280 grams - 50 cm minimum

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Leading Breeders ( 2010) : Danziger ( Million Star, New Love), Esmeralda ( Fun Time, Double Time, Overtime)
  • All gypsophilia must be post harvest treated with STS to prolong vase life.
  • All Gypsophilia should be sleeved with perforated plastic sleeves.
  • Gyp must be shipped cold and dry, any exposure to heat or high humidity will cause brown blooms.
  • Bunches must be free of brown blooms.
  • Boxes destined for export must be clearly identified with quantity, variety and grade.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.