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Calathea "White Star"


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Variety Information

Color : Green
Availability: Generally year round with some gaps from Costa Rica.
Limited availability, standing orders or market orders recommended for this product.
General Comments: - Medium green with very pronounced white varigation
- 50cm+ minimum.
-Production can be very limited, and other varieties of calathea sub well for White star.
-Sometimes due to the dehydration during transit, they can arrive curled. Submerge in water for 20 minutes for the leaves to rehydrate and recuperate their shape.

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • Tropical foliages are widley available from Central and South America
  • Tropical foliages tend to be very long lasting.
  • As with all tropicals these foliages should not be exposed to temperatures below 15 degrees celsius.
  • Regular misting of tropical foliages helps to keep them fresh and last longer.

Grading Information

  • Tropical Foliages are usually graded by stem length and are usually sold in bunched by 5 or 10 stems.
  • Larger leaves are often sold by the individual stem.

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Tropical Foliages being shipped to North America should be packed in insulated boxes during the winter months.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.