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Hi I was wondering what flower this might be:
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Par: chlmmchl - Depuis: 2013-09-15
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They are Tulips.

Quick tip! Sugar is terrible for flowers. It will decrease the vase life of lfowers by days by way of creating a food source for bacteria that speed up the decay of flowers. You are better off just using regular tap water or water treated with a floral preservative. Your florist may have some pouches so be sure to ask about that the next time you stop in. 

Food for thought!

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Par: Sierra Staff - Depuis: 2011-01-12
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I was wrong about the sugar! (Partly wrong)

Sugar alone in flowers can be bad for flowers for the reasons listed below, but as part of a combination of  "flower food" (sugar), "acidic component" and "fungicide"... it can absolutely help increase the vase life of flowers. 

Check out this interesting article that also has a few recipes for effective home brewed floral preservative solutions.
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Par: Sierra Staff - Depuis: 2011-01-12
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Oh, I don`t know unfortunately. But I will ask my friends from Megaflowers, they always know everything about plants:)Because I`m just like a pupil yet, learning :)
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Par: Aliona - Depuis: 2014-04-14
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