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Discussions sur Fleurs et garnitures

Traduction: EN FR ES DE
I have a bride that wants peach anemones she saw in a bouquet on line. Wedding is in July. Is it possible?
ALso have a bride that wants purple peonies. Do they exist? and what is the availablity of peonies.
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Par: MEWSDESIGNS - Depuis: 2011-09-21
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Traduction: EN FR ES DE
Peony, mostly June, darker ones still avail in July. Out of season, Holland ones cost $$$ and sometimes are pretty sad specimens. The anemones might take a spray, try it out. A slight dusting is pretty on the edges. I would guess that photo was touched up or they were sprayed, dam you Martha photographers.
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Par: - Depuis: 2013-08-01
Traduction: EN FR ES DE
Purple peony's are really burgandy red, very deep & pretty. Not a true purple
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Par: - Depuis: 2013-08-01
Sierra Cherche Fleur est dédiée à la communauté florale professionnelle par l’entremise de la Distribution florale Sierra. Par le biais de ce site collectif, nous donnons la chance aux sélectionneurs, aux producteurs, aux grossistes et aux fleuristes de partager leurs connaissances et leur passion pour la diversité incroyable des fleurs qui rend notre industrie si unique.