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Discussions sur Fleurs et garnitures

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Whoah!.....all these new Gerbera and Germini photos are amazing !! Thanks to "Alunshof" for this great contribution to the site.
I'm always wondering about care and handling for Gerbera...

How do we avoid "bent neck"?
Why do they sometimes last amazingly well and sometimes go limp and not perform like I expect them too ?
Are there special water treatments a florist should use specifically for Gerbera?
Is it true what Peter Boxer ( one of my florist friends) says that by hydrating his Gerbera in the sunlight that they drink better and, ultimately, last longer?
Should I put stem-straws on my Gerbera stems in bouquets or arrangments ?

Am I the only one who knows so little about how to handle these beautiful blooms?

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Par: colin - Depuis: 2011-01-04
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I know from experience that March is a great time to buy Gerbera.  After the long dark Winter period where the plants really slow down into a semi dormancy they react to longer days and greater sun intensity by producing lots of flowers.  Of course with no flower holiday in March there always seems to be a huge supply creating a great opportunity to sell extra Gerbera.  I would say they are a great value any week of the year but at this time of year it must be the best time and somehow they even seem to communicate a message of spring. 
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Par: flowerman - Depuis: 2011-01-19
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Chrysal has a product called CVBN - slow release chlorine tablets that is awesome for gerbs (mini and large). 

Fresh cut them, put in clean water without preservative, and pop in a CVBN tablet as instructed.  It may discolour the bottom of the stems a bit, but the slow release chlorine will keep the water clean, and the flower drinking, countering the droop in the head.
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Par: Dan - Depuis: 2012-10-23
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Wow, thats great information Dan! We're going to try that in our bouquet division...
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Par: colin - Depuis: 2011-01-04
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