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Discussions sur Orchids

Traduction: EN FR ES DE
Wow , I love those Mokara Orchids.....but what the heck does "seasonal thailand" mean under the availability section?
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Par: colin - Depuis: 2011-01-04
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Traduction: EN FR ES DE
  The vast majority of Mokaras shipped to the North America market are grown in Thailand but they are also produced in other tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Mokaras are available year-round,but at times certain varieties are genetically weakest and may not be available due to weather or market conditions. The rainy season in Thailand goes from May to September where some Mokaras show signs of quality problems.
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Par: Tati - Depuis: 2011-01-20
Traduction: EN FR ES DE
Thanks Tati.....great information for all Mokara buyers...
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Par: colin - Depuis: 2011-01-04
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