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Aide / Support / F.A.Q. Flower Finder

Traduction: EN FR ES DE
 What do I do if I can’t sign in, forgot my password, or can’t seem to be able to log in?
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Par: Sierra Staff - Depuis: 2011-01-12
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Traduction: EN FR ES DE
There is a password helper located directly underneath where you are usually prompted to enter your password. (called "Forgot password?") This feature will help you out. If you try that and it still doesn't work, unfortunately, SFF staff will likely not be able to help you either. Chances are there is a typo error with your password or something else like that. You can always contact SFF staff by using the feedback form at the top-right of the page, but in this case, you're better to open up another account using a different email address.
Évaluation de l'entrée (0 rating | 0 votes) 
Par: Sierra Staff - Depuis: 2011-01-12
Sierra Cherche Fleur est dédiée à la communauté florale professionnelle par l’entremise de la Distribution florale Sierra. Par le biais de ce site collectif, nous donnons la chance aux sélectionneurs, aux producteurs, aux grossistes et aux fleuristes de partager leurs connaissances et leur passion pour la diversité incroyable des fleurs qui rend notre industrie si unique.