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Traduction: EN FR ES DE
Has anyone had trouble with pomander balls falling apart? I made one with carnations in oasis sphere for a flower girl that fell completely apart.

How can this be prevented from happening again?
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Par: lisah - Depuis: 2014-05-02
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I find the stems so thick it breaks apart the heavy ball. I've steered away from fresh to silk with added fresh to make it lighter and I actually glue in the fresh. even mums can get heavy. I made a huge one of all fuji and it was amazing, but very very heavy to sit on a tall cylinder.
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Par: - Depuis: 2013-08-01
Traduction: EN FR ES DE
Try enclosing the ball in an expandable mesh and gluing the mesh together..similar to the oasis garland. Make sure your stems are not too long going into the oasis.
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Par: Spud - Depuis: 2012-11-01
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