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Dendrobium Madame Pompadour

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ajouté par Tati

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Information sur les variétés

Couleur : Pourpre
Description de la couleur : The Madame Pompadour is easily recognized by its soft shade of purple in its petals and its dark purple center. They are perfect for any type of occasion whether as a gift or in a beautiful summer wedding arrangement.
Détails de la longévité : 1 to 2 weeks on the stem, but depends on the variety, and the use and care the blooms receive.
Disponibilité : Dendrobium Orchids are available year-round, most come from tropical regions of Southeast Asia. But at times certain varieties of Dendrobium Orchids may not be available due to weather or market conditions.
Parfumé : Non
Commentaires généraux : -Dendrobium Orchids are shipped with water tubes on the stems. We recommend to remove the water tube, cut the stem about 1/2" up from the bottom, and place the orchids in your arrangements in water. If you have to transport the Dendrobium Orchids any great distance you can re-charge the water tubes. To do this, simply remove the water tube, submerge it in a bucket of water and shake the tube. As you do so, the tube will re-fill with water. Cut the stem about 1/2" up from the bottom and repl

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Sierra Cherche Fleur est dédiée à la communauté florale professionnelle par l’entremise de la Distribution florale Sierra. Par le biais de ce site collectif, nous donnons la chance aux sélectionneurs, aux producteurs, aux grossistes et aux fleuristes de partager leurs connaissances et leur passion pour la diversité incroyable des fleurs qui rend notre industrie si unique.