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Gardenia White

(4.5 out of 2 votes)
added by Sierra


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Edit Variety Information

Variety Information

Color : White
General Comments: - Pure white bloom.
- Strong scent.

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • Probably the most fragrant of all cut flowers, widely used for wedding work.
  • Very short lived cut flower will last approx only 1 day once exposed to room tempartures.

Grading Information

  • Graded by blooms size and usually sold by boxes of 3 blooms.

Grower and Breeder Information

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Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.